INSPIRATION - lyrics by Amanda McCartney music by Nathan McCartney

Watching through the crowd
For he who bears my favor
Swords and armor cry out loud
And I fight my voices waiver
Chivalric and courageous
He brings honor and renown
As he fights for the crown

The scars of battles past
I know them so well
The wounds may not last
But they haunt him I can tell
Still he knows no fear
He will defend my name
This is how I show him
That I will do the same

With every thunderous blow
My heart feels the reverberation
Still my fears I must not show
For I am his inspiration
How can I inspire
If he sees the fear in me?
For his sake I must believe

And although I am so proud
Still I wait for the day he comes home
Where he will be safe and sound
Where he is my own
Once more, once more
My own once more

He calls me his inspiration
But truly it is he
Who inspires me

Truly it is he
Who inspires me