Follow the River - music by Amanda McCartney, lyrics by Nancy Begin

Follow the river to the glen
Where my love was done in

Once we did dwell
Where my true love fell
One year we were joined
Man and wife law did bind
Two lovers in the trees
Happy as you please

O follow the river to the glade
Where my love is dead and laid
Place some flowers on his grave
Mourn the loss of he who was brave

Jealous of our love so true
In anger my love he slew
My love faced demise with a smile
I was crying all the while
He never saw the blow of death
Swift it came on dragon's breath
Death came and took him away
I became a widow that day

O follow the river to the glade
Where my love is dead and laid
Place some flowers on his grave
Mourn the loss of he who was brave

My love was brave and true
Even to the beasts he slew
'Til a dragon stole his heart
Now he and nature will never part
The beast was huge beyond compare
But my love didn't twitch a hair
He softly kissed my head
And went to his final bed

O follow the river to the glade
Where my love is dead and laid
Place some flowers on his grave
Mourn the loss of he who was brave

Follow the river to the glade
Where my true love is dead and laid
Place your flowers on his mound
And be sure to look around
For your own love may too
Follow the river to the glade
And have their own mound
For us to gather around

O follow the river to the glade
Where my love is dead and laid
Place some flowers on his grave
Mourn the loss of he who was brave

Be mindful of how you flaunt
That which others have not
Jealousy comes in many features
And may not show in other creatures
No harm have you done
But you are envied like the sun
To your own love be true
Or the dragon may put an end to you

O follow the river to the glade
Where my love and I are laid
One year we were joined
Now forever love will bind